Shows J

8. Chick With a Dick - Ensemble, Tremont 9. Talk to the Band - Jerry. Ensemble. Tremont. Dwight. Peaches, Zandra. Warm-Up Man 10. Adverts 1 - Ensemble 11. Intro to Diaper Man - Jerry. Ensemble. Warm-Up Man 12. Diaper Man - Jerry. Ensemble. Montel. Andrea, Valkyrie 13. Montel Cums Dirty - Jerry. Montel 14. This Is My Jerry Springer Moment - Jerry. Ensemble, Baby Jane 15. Mama Gimmec Smack on the Asshole - Jerry, Ensemble. Baby Jane. Andrea. Montel. Warm-Up Man 16. I Wanna Sing Something Beautiful - Jerry. Andrea 17. Adverts 2 - Ensemble 18. The First Time I Saw Jerry - Warm-Up Man. Jerry 19. Backstage Scene - Warm-Up Man, Jerry. Valkyrie 20. Poledancer - Jerry, Ensemble. Shawntel. Chucky 21. I Just Wanna Dance - Ensemble, Shawntel, Jerry 22. It Has No Name - Jerry. Ensemble, Irene, Shawntel, Chucky 23. Some are Descended from Angels - Jerry, Ensemble. Irene, Shawntel, Chucky 24. Jerrycam - Pull company 25. Klan Entrance - Full Company ACT 2 - PURGATORY 26. Gloomy Nurses - Jerry. Ensemble 27. Purgatory Dawning - Jerry 28. Eat Excrete - Jerry. Ensemble. Shawntel. Chucky. Tremont. Andrea. Dwight. Irene 29. The Haunting - Jerry. Ensemble. Shawntel. Chucky. Tremont. Andrea. Dwight. Irene. Baby Jane 30. Him Am the Devil - Full company 31. Every Last Mother Fucker Should Go Down - Full company 32. Grilled and Roasted - Full company ACT 3 - HELL 33. Transition Music - Full company 34. Once in Happy Realms of Light - Jerry. Ensemble, Satan. Jesus 35. Fuck You Talk - Jerry. Ensemble. Satan. Jesus 36. Satan & Jesus Spat - Jerry. Ensemble. Satan. Jesus 37. Adam and Eve and Mary - Jerry. Ensemble. Jesus. Satan. Adam. Eve. Mary 38. Where Were You? - Jerry. Ensemble. Jesus, Satan. Adam. Eve, Mary 39. Behold God - Jerry. Ensemble. God. Angel Gabriel. Archangel Michael, Jesus. Satan. Adam. Eve, Mary 40. It Ain't Easy Being Me Part I - Jerry. Ensemble, God. Angel Gabriel. Archangel Michael, Jesus, Satan. Adam. Eve, Mary 41. It Ain't Easy Being Me Part 2 - Jerry. Ensemble, God. Angel Gabriel. Archangel Michael, Jesus, Satan. Adam. Eve. Mary 42. Marriage of Heaven & Hell - Jerry. Ensemble, God. Angel Gabriel. Archangel Michael. Jesus. Satan, Adam, Eve, Mary 43. This is my Cheesey Jerry Springer Moment - Ensemble 44. Jerry it is Finished - Jerry. Baby Jane 45. Jerry Eleison - Baby Jane 46. Please Don't Die - Full company 47. Take Care - Pull company 48. Martin's Richard-esque Finale de Grand Fromage - Full company 49. Play Out - Full company