Shows S

MUSICAL NUMBERS • Expiring Minds - All • David, Don't Fly Lufthansa - Wanda, Veronica • Divas At Motown - One, Other Five • The Real Thing - Barbies, Kens • Toll Road - All • Prom Queen - Candidate, Backups • We've Arrived - All • I Think I Read Too Much - Jolene • Rambi - Rambi, Flower, Squirrel, Thumper, Badger • Divas At Nashville - One, Other Five • Get Proud Of Me - Barbara Ann • God Is An Alien - One, Other Five Cast: 6 women (no substitutions) • WANDA - A frustrated woman, addicted to her soap operas, her cigarettes and her gin. She has transferred all her dreams and energy to "All My Hospitals", and all her libido to David. • VERONICA - A tough, glamorous "bitch" star, completely fed up with the unappreciative "Wanda"'s of the world. • LEAD DIVA - Honest, completely sincere and full of a genuine - if naive - hope to bring about world peace through music. • OTHER DIVAS - Eager and enthusiastic, with vibrators through which trucks can be driven. • MARGE - A tired, disillusioned woman, whose children have exhausted her. She cracks jokes to cover her discomfort - and, as Rambi, wreaks revenge on some old lies. • WOMAN NO. THREE - The organiser of the reunion, she is the only one of the group that is 100% sincerely excited about it. She maintains a stiff upper lip, despite the ensuring debacle. • PROM QUEEN CANDIDATE - Must be a "round" or full-figured woman. In the "past" she is sweet and genuinely hopes to win, but obviously becomes the "bitch who came to dinner" during the reunion. • JOLENE - A sincere woman who is honestly searching for wisdom, insight, and the meaning of life by reading the latest self-help books. She is easily influenced by the most recent therapy or fad. • BABY RUTH - A combination of a manic Dr. Ruth, Harpo Marx and Satan. She loves to stir up mischief, and perhaps speaks with a German accent. • BARBARA ANN - A gutsy, happy, "good ol' gal", with a big mouth full of advice (whether you want it or not). She's truly a good friend to Heather. • HEATHER - Vain, spolied, egotistical, and a selfish whinner - but saddened and knocked down a peg or two by her life on a cake plate. • WOMAN NO. ONE - She has the honest, inspiring conviction of a true believer whose life has been changed by an alien redeemer. INSTRUMENTATION: percussion, piano, synthesizer, bass guitar