Shows "O"

how she blames constantly changing lifestyles for her marriage breakdown and distance from her children. Carol offers to introduce her son, Barney, to Polly. Barney (15) discovers Polly reading her self-help book. He is equally socially awkward, but suggests they follow the books advice and get out of the house together. After dull trips to a playground and bowling alley, Polly’s personality starts to emerge and she suggests a trip to the cinema. Here they are confronted by alpha females, Sarah Sidcup, Janine and Ellen. Sarah teases Polly about her brother's death and Polly reacts badly, shouting at Barney and retreats into her head when she can’t remember what Kester’s motto was. Back in the Other School, Polly is greeted by Kate the Dinner lady. Polly finds Kester is not well, he’s going almost Zombie like. He recovers when he sees Polly, but suggests she is finding the real world more interesting than him. Polly insists that’s not the case and they have fun recounting memories of childhood. After the song, Kester regresses again and Polly drags him off in search of answers. Somewhere in the Other School, Axel has been caught trying to escape by the Caretaker. The Head reveals a nastier side and punishes both of them. Polly arrives with Kester. The Head diagnoses Kester as ‘fading’ because his life force is tied to Polly’s. If she will give up her pass and remain in the Other School forever, Kester will survive. Polly is about to give up the pass, but Axel grabs her and they escape. They head for the school gates. Axel wants Polly to take all of the students away from the Other School. For the first time, Polly is popular. She uses the pass and a school bus arrives – with no driver. The students bundle on and Kester is lost in the scrum. Polly tries to stop, but Axel takes over and starts the bus. Polly fights with him to return to school and the bus crashes, destroying the school. At the same time in the real world, Polly has wandered into the middle of a road and is close to being run over. She is rescued by her Mum. Polly admits to her Mum how dangerous the Other School has become and yet how terrified she is to let it go. Her Mother gently encourages her, giving her a chain that was a present from Kester’s Dad to him.. Polly works up the courage to return to the Other School one more time to say goodbye to her brother. The Other School lies in ruins the Head is furious and the other students behave like Zombies in her presence. Polly regains control of her mind and Kester appears. Before Polly says goodbye, she asks her brother how to be confident like he was. He replies it was her love for him that gave him the confidence to be so daring. With that, the whole school offers parting advice and disappears. It’s a new school year. Polly is returning to school for the first time, nervous, but with her new friend Barney. Ms Parish has reconciled things with Polly’s Dad and is arranging visitations. Sarah Sidcup, Janine and Ellen enter and pick on Barney. Polly stands up for him but they taunt her about the accident. Polly describes details of Kester’s death and, while upset, remains in control. Not so Sarah who runs off, distraught. Janine and Ellen are impressed and accept Polly and Barney as people to be respected. As Polly gets on the bus, Kester appears watching over her from an unseen place. Musical Numbers OVERTURE - Band 1. Boring- Polly, Kester, School Students 2. How I Got To School - Other School Students, Mr Morton 3. If It Were There … - Daniel, Other School Students 4. Emotional Education - The Head 5. Bedside - Mrs Parish 6. It’s a Fine Fine Life - When You’re Dead - Other School Students 7. It’s Okay to Be You - Kester, Polly 8. Head and Heart - The Caretaker 9. Am I Ready? - Polly