Shows "C"

CAST • Caroline Thibodeaux: 39-year-old African-American maid for the Gellmans, a middle-class Jewish family • Noah Gellman: The Gellmans’ 8-year-old curious, sympathetic, and neurotic son • Emmie Thibodeaux: Caroline’s 16-year-old free-spirited daughter, supporter of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement • Rose Stopnick Gellman: Noah’s concerned new stepmother from New York City, marries Stuart after his first wife’s death • Stuart Gellman: Professional clarinet player and Noah’s father, mourning the loss of his wife • Dotty Moffett: Friend of Caroline and fellow maid, takes night classes at the University • The Radio: Domestic appliance portrayed by a Supremes-like trio, serves as a Greek Chorus for the show • The Washing Machine: Domestic appliance portrayed by an actor, cleans clothes for the Gellmans and pushes Caroline to move forward in life • The Dryer: Domestic appliance portrayed by an actor, torments Caroline throughout the show • The Moon: Portrayed by an actor, is a calming and healing presence throughout the show • The Bus: Portrayed by an actor, is the primary source of transportation for the African-American characters in the show • Grandpa Gellman: Noah’s grandfather, Stuart’s father • Grandma Gellman: Noah’s grandmother, Stuart’s mother • Jackie Thibodeaux: Caroline’s 10 year old son • Joe Thibodeaux: Caroline’s 8 year old son • Mr. Stopnick: Rose’s father, a Jewish man with a socialist ideology from New York City MUSICAL NUMBERS Act One Washer / Dryer 1. 16 Feet Beneath The Sea — Caroline, The Washing Machine 2. The Radio —The Radio 3. Laundry Quintet—The Washing Machine, Caroline, The Radio 4. Noah Down The Stairs — Noah 5. The Cigarette — Noah and Caroline 6. Laundry Finish—The Washing Machine, Caroline, The Radio 7. The Dryer—The Dryer and The Radio 8. I Got Four Kids— Caroline and The Dryer Cabbage 9. Caroline, There’s Extra Food— Rose, Caroline and The Gellmans 10. There Is No God, Noah— Stuart 11. Rose Stopnick Can Cook—The Gellmans Long Distance 12. Long Distance— Rose