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The Street Singer

Cover for the sheet music for Follow Yvette

a musical play in 3 acts by Frederick Lonsdale

Lyrics by Percy Greenbank : Music by H. Fraser-Simson

Lyric Theatre, London - 27 June 1924 (360 perfs)


The Street Singer tells the story of the Duchess of Versailles who falls in love with the poor and untalented artist Bonni. She disguises herself as a street singer to make contact with her beloved and by the end of the first act becomes his lover. Through an art dealer, Levy, she then proceeds to buy up all Bonni's pictures. The artist thinks he has found fame at last and that his genius has been recognised. At the height of the carnival, he receives a summons to meet his unknown patron and so he leaves his little street singer and goes to where fame and fortune beckon.

In the final act he regrets his actions and tears up the Duchess' cheque for his last painting and slashes the picture - a portrait of his lost Yvette - only to find that the Duchess and the street singer are one and the same. All can now end happily.

Musical Numbers:

  1. Don't Judge By Appearances
  2. Heart's Desire
  3. Just To Hold You In My Arms
  4. 'Ow I 'Ate Women
  5. Dancin' Around
  6. Take Life As It Comes
  7. Follow Yvette
  8. That's the Sort Of Man!
