A Gaiety Girl
A Musical comedy in 2 acts by Owen Hall; Lyrics by Harry Greenbank; Music by Sidney Jones.
Prince of Wales Theatre, London 14 October, 1893: tranferred to Daly's Theatre 10 September, 1894 - closed 15 December, 1894 (413 perfs)
Act I
A party of Gaiety girls and young society ladies are invited to a garden party given by the officers of the Life Guards at Windsor, as are a judge of the divorce court, Sir Lewis Gray, and a chaplain, Dr. Montague Brierly. The officers neglect the society girls and focus on the Gaiety girls, while the judge, who married his housemaid, and the chaplain both amuse themselves at the party in a most unprofessional manner, the judge telling stories of ladies who have appeared before him in court, and the clergyman dancing in an inappropriate manner. The society ladies are chaperoned by a Lady Virginia Forest, who is worried that the judge will not remember her case. One of the Gaiety girls, Alma Somerset, is falsely accused of theft.
Act II
At a beach on the Riviera, all the ladies appear in bathing costumes, and the judge and chaplain flirt with Lady Virginia. Miss Somerset eventually marries Charles Goldfield, a wealthy cavalry officer.
Musical Numbers
ACT I - The Cavalry Barracks at Winbridge.
No. 1 - Opening Chorus - "When a masculine stranger goes by, array'd in a uniform smart..."
No. 2 - Chorus & Song - Sir Lewis - "O sing a welcome fair to Mr. Justice Grey." & "I'm a judge..."
No. 3 - Song - Goldfield - "Beneath the skies of summer sweet I linger where two pathways meet..."
No. 4 - Chorus & Concerted Piece - "Here come the ladies who dazzle Society..."
No. 5 - Song - Lady Virginia & Chorus - "I am favourably known as a high-class chaperone..."
No. 6 - Concerted Piece, with Girls & Major - "To the barracks we have come..."
No. 7 - Duett - Dr. Brierly & Rose - "Oh, my daughter, there's a creature known as man..."
No. 8 - Trio - Lady Virginia, Sir Lewis & Dr. Brierly - "When once I get hold of a good-looking He..."
No. 9 - Song - Dr. Brierly - "Little Jimmy was a scholar and his aptitude was such..." (five verses)
No. 10 - Waltz
No. 11 - Song - Goldfield - "Oh, we take him from the city or the plough..." (four verses)
No. 12 - Finale Act I - "To my judicial mind there's not a doubt..."
ACT II - On the Riviera.
No. 13 - Introduction and Opening Chorus - "Here on sunlit sands daintily we figure..."
No. 14 - Concerted piece - "That ladies cannot bathe, if so they please, without encount'ring creatures such as these..."
No. 15 - Trio - Rivers, Fitzwarren & Goldfield - "Buck up, buck up, old chappie!..."
No. 16 - Song - Mina - "When your pride has had a tumble, and you've set your cap too high..."
No. 17 - Trio - Sir Lewis, Dr. Brierly & Lady Virginia - "When in town you're safely landed, and the doctor far away..."
No. 18 - Duet - Rivers & Rose - "Unlucky the morn on which I was born the youngest of several brothers..."
No. 19 - Trio - Lady Edytha, Gladys & another - "We're awfully anxious to join in the fun..."
No. 20 - Carnival Chorus - "Let folly reign supreme today, for carnival is holding sway..."
No. 21 - Song - Rivers & Chorus - "Mesdames, messieurs, je suis Pierrot. (I'm nothing of the sort, you know...) "
No. 22 - Song - Goldfield - "Sunshine above, and sunshine in my heart! Laughter and love hold carnival today..."
No. 23 - Finale Act II - "I find it's really better far to keep my pranks for Bench and Bar..."