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four of them go at one another, each trying to get the others' attention. This struggle climaxes when Burrs grabs Queenie by the throat and begins choking her. At that point, she vows to let the party continue, "I don't care if it never stops!", and leaves the bathroom with Black. Burrs starts to lose control and, with Kate's help, launches a major production number dedicated to his own destruction. Now completely inebriated, Burrs begins to hallucinate. He sees and hears Queenie everywhere and grabs Mae away from Eddie, thinking she is Queenie. A fight breaks out in which Burrs is severely beaten by Eddie until Black, to keep Eddie from killing Burrs, knocks Eddie out with a piece of a broken chair. Kate nurses Burrs' wounds and shares some cocaine with him, providing an opportunity for Black and Queenie to seek some privacy in the bedroom. They talk. Black is from Chicago and has only been in New York for a few months. He works the door of a nightclub in town. Queenie drops her defences and they begin to make love as the rest of the gang does the same.The stage is writhing.The neighbour is then seen calling the police as groups of lovers pass out all over the room. Slowly,Jackie, the dancer, who has been mute all evening, wakes up and rises to his feet. He looks about the room sadly taking in the spectacle; the guests are asleep, bodies and limbs intertwined, bottles, glasses, and clothing littering the floor. He notices the Victrola, cranks it up, and plays a record. He dances to the music, making contact with each of the sleeping party-goers as he does. Kate and Burrs wake up wondering where Queenie went. Burrs begins to hunt the apartment for her. Finally, he enters the bedroom and discovers Queenie in bed with Black. Burrs is enraged. Black and Burrs struggle and Burrs pulls out a gun from under the mattress. He holds it on Queenie and Black, trying to decide who to kill first. Finally, Queenie distracts Burrs, Black grabs him and they all struggle for the gun. It goes off. Burrs is fatally wounded and Black is left holding the gun. Queenie panics. If Black is caught, he'll surely get the chair. He tells her he loves her. She begs him to leave by the fire escape. He does, taking the gun. After some reflection on the events of the last few hours Queenie realises that it's time for her to move on. She puts on her coat, takes a last look around at the life she's leaving behind, opens the door and steps through - into the light of her new life. GABRIEL BARRE THE CAST - (in order of appearance) • Queenie • Burrs • Reno • Kegs • Madelaine True • Eddie • Peggy • Max • Rose Himmelsteen • Sam Himmelsteen • Ellie • Jackie • Oscar d'Armano • Phil d'Armano • Dolores • Mae • Nadine • Kate • Black • The Neighbour TIME: 1929 : PLACE: AN APARTMENT MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT I • Queenie Was a Blonde - Queenie. Burrs and Ensemble • Out of the Blue - Queenie with Burrs • What a Party - Burrs. Madeleine, Eddie. Oscar. Phil, Dolores and Ensemble • Raise the Roof - Queenie and Ensemble • Look at Me Now - Idina Menzel with Sam and Ensemble • Poor Child - Black, Queenie, Kate and Burrs • An Old-Fashioned Love Story - Madeleine • By Now the Room Was Moving - Phil. Oscar, Mae. Burrs. Eddie. Queenie. Max. Sam. Kate. Black and Company • The juggernaut - Company