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head west to San Francisco. Leeroy returns to Adam’s cabin to find Julie, still mourning her lost brother. He tells her he’s hidden the money and is going to lay low over the winter by crossing the mountains. It’s a dangerous journey he fears she won’t be able to make with him. He tells her to sit tight until the spring when he’ll come back for her. He leaves. Alone in Adam’s cabin, Julie rummages through Adam’s closet only to find a wedding dress, children’s toys and other vestiges of a lost, former life. She dons an outfit and sings to her long dead father. Adam returns from hunting and from the shadows thinks she’s his long lost wife. At first he’s furious, but then, slowly, he opens up about the family he lost to diptheria back in North Dakota. He offers Julie a place to stay for the evening but tells her she has to be gone by morning. Back in town, Sam tells his congregation that he’s been called by the Lord to leave them. Some of the townsfolk beg him to stay; others are sceptical that his sudden departure coincides exactly with the theft of their $5,000 church fund and his inability to bring Adam No Name, the reclusive doctor, down from the mountain. In the end, however, Mr. Trimble states his unequivocal faith in Sam and persuades him to stay. But Red Willie is enraged that Sam is going back on his promise to head west to San Francisco. Just as he’s about to “out” Sam to the congregation, Sam turns the tables on Red Willie. He tells the townsfolk Red Willie is the devil incarnate and that he keeps Red Willie around just to remind folks of what they might become. He is the darkness in everyone’s soul. Up on the mountain, Adam has decided to let Julie stay. She begins to clean vigorously and together they go through the boxes of keepsakes from his former life. They are interrupted by Sam & Red Willie who arrive once again to convince Adam to move down to the town. Once again they are unsuccessful; but Red Willie leaves convinced he recognises Julie as one of the robbers. They leave to plan more mischief. Julie’s scared now that she’s been found out. Adam presses her for the details of her troubles and she refuses. But winter is coming on now, and the road to the cabin will be impassible until the spring. With the prospect of being alone together for the foreseeable future, Julie & Adam feed their flames of desire. In the entr’acte, we see winter dissolve into spring revealing the skeleton of a church in the town of Esperanza and the townsfolk preparing for the “town picnic”. Marshall Crabb appears fresh from his journey to Silver City where he was picking up information on a fugitive there who bears a striking resemblance to the chap who robbed the bank last fall. They suspect this gangster has left the $5,000 hidden in Esperanza with a cohort to guard it. Just then, Julie arrives down from the mountain to purchase supplies. Red Willie strongarms her, plies her with spiked punch and tries to get the location of the fortune out of her. As Red Willie and his hoodlums become increasingly forceful with her, Adam rescues Julie and takes her back up the mountain. Sam follows them. He and Adam have a moment of common understanding as to why they came west to start new lives. Back in the cabin, Julie’s packed and ready to leave. Just as she’s about to spill the truth Adam asks her to marry him. As he pops the question, Leeroy appears in the doorway. Hoping to spare Adam Leeroy’s wrath, Julie shuffles Leeroy (who takes Adam’s bottle of whiskey on the way) out the door. Adam, alone, is inconsolable fearing he’s lost the one he loves again. Swearing the only emotion he can feel now is hate he vows to kill Leeroy. Sam, however, is waiting on the doorstep and confesses to Adam that he’s a con-man. He tries to convince Adam not to go on a killing spree and in the process has a heart attack. Being the doctor he is, Adam has no choice but temporarily to abandon his murderous plan and tend to Sam. Meanwhile, Leeroy, three sheets to the wind, has located the $5,000. Julie is incensed he’s buried it in her brother’s grave. Drunk and ugly, he wields his gun to bring Julie into line. Julie flees. Leeroy fires wildly at visions of ghost gunmen as Marshall Crabb appears and takes Leeroy down with one shot. Red Willie