Shows W

Wonka continues the tour by revealing a pink candy boat that takes the remaining group on a psychedelic adventure down a chocolate river (There’s No Knowing). They arrive at the Inventing Room where Violet is tempted by the Everlasting Gourmet Gobstopper (Chew It). She snatches one, chews it, and swells like a giant blueberry. The Oompa-Loompas remove her and her mother and detail the moral of children who chew gum more than occasionally (Oompa-Loompa 2). Charlie and Grandpa Joe are separated from the group and discover the Fizzy Lifting Drink. They taste a bit of the drink and fly towards the sky (Flying). They encounter an exhaust fan overhead—which could mean their untimely demise—but they discover that by burping they float safely to the ground (Burping Song). They rejoin the group in the Nut Room where Veruca demands a Squirrel, a pink candy boat and an OompaLoompa (I Want It Now!). Veruca and her father disappear down a trash chute that may or may not lead to the incinerator, and the Oompa-Loompas discuss the moral of spoiled brats (Oompa-Loompa 3). With just Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Mike and Ms. Teavee left, the tour reaches the Choco-Vision Room, where Mike meets his temptation and is shrunk to barely six inches tall. The Oompa-Loompas discuss the moral of too much TV and technology (Oompa-Loompa 4). At the conclusion of the tour Charlie does something remarkable: he thanks Wonka for the tour and admits to tasting the Fizzy Lifting Drink and breaking the rules. Wonka reveals the tour was a test of character and only Charlie has succeeded. Wonka proclaims Charlie as his successor as Charlie’s family joins them at Wonka’s factory (Finale). MUSICAL NUMBERS • Pure Imagination - Willy Wonka • Golden Age of Chocolate - Willy Wonka • The Candy Man - Candy Man • I Eat More - Augustus Gloop • Think Positive - Charlie Bucket • I See It All on TV - Mike Teavee • Cheer Up, Charlie - Family • Think Positive - Reprise • (I’ve Got a) Golden Ticket - Charlie • At The Gates • In This Room Here - Willy Wonka • Oompa-Loompa 1 - Oompa-Loompas • There’s No Knowing - Willy Wonka • Chew It - Everlasting Gourmet Gobstopper • Oompa-Loompa 2 - Oompa-Loompas • Flying - Charlie and Grandpa Joe • Burping Song - Charlie, Grandpa Joe • I Want It Now! - Veruca • Oompa-Loompa 3 - Oompa-Loompas • Oompa-Loompa 4 - Oompa-Loompas • Finale CAST WILLY WONKA/CANDY MAN Willy Wonka is an enigmatic character; at once mysterious and mischievous but also charismatic. There are a number of directions to take with Wonka, ranging from Gene Wilder’s version in the original film, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, to Johnny Depp’s portrayal in the recent film, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and everything in between. Pick a young man (or a young woman) who is charismatic, engaging and has a great voice (in the case of a young man, preferably a changed voice). The actor should be able to be funny and serious and change between the two on a dime. It is preferred that Wonka double as the Candy Man, as it helps reinforce that Wonka has staged the Golden Ticket competition and is somewhat controlling this contest along the way.