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Lion’s Rock. Daybreak As night begins to fall and the sounds of the night birds are heard, we find King Lion keeping watch over the land. He waits in anticipation of his son being found. Marmoset tries to put the King at ease by assuring him that nothing could possibly happen to the young cub. The King asks Marmoset to gather all of the other monkeys and search all of the trees in the park. Marmoset takes pride in his assignment and expounds on his time as the personal bodyguard to Don Enrique’ Luis De Calvados. Marmoset starts off on his journey, but not without one last question for the King about any “unknown things” in their new home that may enjoy monkeys – for dinner. A dark and spooky place, deep in the forest. Night The lights come up on a very dark and mysterious place deep in the forest. On a tree branch we see a large black panther, Shadra, playing chess - with himself. We hear a branch crack, a panicked scream, and the appearance of Marmoset, who lands smack dab onto the centre of Shadra's chessboard. Marmoset explains that he is on a mission to find the son of King Lion. This news sparks the interest of the panther, and we see him begin to plan his devious scheme. In his effort to get information from Marmoset, Shadra threatens to make dinner of him. With the help of the audience, Marmoset gets free. The evil panther then turns his dinner attention to the audience. We then hear Wildcat talking with the cub about not only the fact that they are both cats, but the fact that they both love life in the wild. As they walk through the dark woods they hear the loud howls of the wolf, which Wildcat does not recognise. With the help from the cub and the audience Wildcat finally figures out what the sound is, and notices the glowing eyes in the dark woods. When Wildcat summons the wolves to show themselves, they are instead greeted by the black panther. Shadra tries to convince Wildcat to turn the cub over to him to return to the King. He tells Wildcat of all of the "shifty characters at large" that inhabit the new park. Wildcat refuses and Shadra tries to hypnotise him using the power of the diamond that is in the center of his turban. As Shadra is about to pick up the cub, we see the light of a lamp, hear the voice of Fox, and Shadra is frightened away. Wildcat explains the situation to Fox, thanks him for his help, and thanks him for being his friend. After they bed down for the night, Marmoset appears and, mistaking Wildcat for the cub, puts Wildcat in his bag to take back to the King. With the audience’s help, Fox figures out what has happened and prepares to set out with the cub to find him. Shadra reappears at that instant and demands that the cub be turned over to him. He hypnotises Fox and instructs him to give a special message to the King - "tell him I've got his precious son!" Lion's Rock. The Following Morning. Marmoset enters singing of his great adventure and tells the King that he has returned with his son. Immediately the mistake is revealed and Wildcat, a bit confused, explains the story of how the black panther tried to take the King's son. We then hear strange noises and see Fox enter, still in his hypnotised state, and Wildcat greets him with a bowl of water over his head. After telling them of how Shadra took the cub, the King sets out to find his son and fight Shadra to the death. In an effort to stop the King and save the cub, the three new friends set out to try and set things right themselves. Shadra's Temple. The Same Evening. The three make their way to Shadra's temple to find Shadra bringing food to the cub, who is trapped behind the bars of a cage. Shadra hears a noise made by the three and goes to hide and await the visitors. The three enter, with their sunglasses on to protect them from Shadra's powers, and begin to look for the key to the cage. In the dark they must lift their glasses to find the key, and Shadra makes his move. He hypnotises the three and puts them into the cage and warns them that he will be forced to put them under the "deep