Shows U

Back at Urine Good Company headquarters, Cladwell learns of Bobby's insurrection at the urinal. Vowing dire consequences for Bobby and the rebels, he and the police head to the urinal to suppress the uprising. Once at the urinal, Cladwell orders the cops to sort things out, but not before Bobby can initiate the obligatory Act One Finale. Hope realises her words mistakenly inspired Bobby to start a revolution. Bobby realises Hope is a Cladwell, and the poor realise they're no match for Cladwell's cops; so Bobby kidnaps Hope to allow the rabble to escape the punishment promised by Cladwell. Act two: As the new act begins, Hope is tied to a chair at the underground secret hideout of the Rebel Poor, Cladwell is on the move demanding his daughter's recapture, Bobby is making his way through the city with his mother spreading word of the coming Revolution, and Little Sally barely evades capture by Officer Lockstock. Hungry for revenge and certain that it's only a matter of time before they're all captured and sent to Urinetown, Hot Blades Harry and Little Becky Two Shoes insist that the rebel poor kill their hostage. Bobby enters, horrified at how vengeful the poor have become. He tries to cheer them with more positive thoughts. Penny arrives with a message: Cladwell is prepared to consider the rebels' demands, he wants to meet with Bobby. Bobby agrees. At Urine Good Company headquarters, Bobby and Penny arrive to negotiate a settlement to the standoff. Bobby wants to trade Hope's safe release for a total revocation of Cladwell's cruel and oppressive peeing fees. Cladwell refuses, offering instead a large cash bribe to Bobby if he'll convince the rebels to return to the established order. Bobby refuses, so Cladwell orders Bobby's arrest, ordering Officers Lockstock and Barrel to take the troublemaker away to Urinetown. Penny, desperate to protect Hope, reminds Cladwell that this double-cross could mean certain death for his daughter. Cladwell, ever cold-hearted and power-obsessed, dismisses the danger and orders the expulsion anyway. In spite of her loyalty to UGC, Penny can hardly believe the depth of Cladwell's evil. She wonders why she ever listened to him? Subsequently, Senator Fipp, Hope, and Bobby ask the same question as they ponder their fate at Cladwell's hands. At the same time, Officers Lockstock and Barrel hustle Bobby off to his doom — a long fall off the roof of UGC headquarters. Bobby realises too late that there is no Urinetown after all. Execution, not exile, has been the fate of those brave enough — or desperate enough — to break the town's strict peeing laws. Back at rebel headquarters, Little Sally recounts Bobby's longing last words for Hope. The poor are at first grieved by Bobby's death, then filled with lust for revenge. As they prepare to do away with Hope, Penny stops them, shocking everyone with the revelation that she is Hope's mother. Hope, deeply moved by this news and disgusted by her father's betrayal, convinces the rebels to let her help them overthrow the despicable Caldwell B. Cladwell. Under Hope's protection, the rebels make their way through the shattered streets to the headquarters where Cladwell directs the continuing crackdown. Suddenly outnumbered in his lair, Cladwell and his henchmen are overthrown in a stunning coup. Cladwell is led away to his own trip off the roof of the UGC headquarters rooftop, but not before Penny and Cladwell confess their sorrow — or lack thereof — for the lives they led. With the blessing of the battle-weary population, Hope takes control of the monopoly, opening all the amenities to all the people, to pee for free whenever they like, for as long as they like. Her utopia is shortlived, however. Officer Lockstock enters, as he did at the beginning of the show, to explain that Hope's idealism depleted all the water reserves. As evil as Caldwell B. Cladwell was, he had actually effectively rationed the water resources.