Shows S

discovering her lover and exacting revenge. • PEARL (Soprano/Child - to high F) • 7 years old - active, precocious, and intuitive, she is the spirited daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale. Often described as an elf-child, she is at one with nature and the passions of the wild, drawing on her instincts to perceive the inner truths within those around her. • MISTRESS HIBBINS (Alto with strong belt) • Mid-Late 30s - uninhibited and outspoken, she is described by all as a witch. Seemingly in many places at once, she has an innate sense of human nature, quickly discerning the other characters' emotions and secrets. She throws into relief the hypocrisy and excessive piety of the townspeople and, at times, may even be seen to progress the plot. She is Bellingham's sister. • GOVERNOR WINTHROP (Baritone) • Late 50s/Early 60s - highly respected, charismatic, popular Governor of the colony. In history, he delivered the iconic "City Upon a Hill" speech aboard the ship Arabella in 1630; that speech, a vision of an ideal colony that serves as a model for the world, united the colonists then and has been used by American leaders for inspiration ever since. As the story unfolds, his health fails rapidly. • GOVERNOR BELLINGHAM (Baritone/Tenor - belt to high G) • Early 40s - eager and affable, he is an elder of the colony and heir apparent to Winthrop. He is heavily swayed by the counsel of others and is sensitive to public opinion. • REV. WILSON (Baritone/Tenor) • Mid-Late 50s - first minister of the colony, he is a mentor to Dimmesdale and counselor to the Governor. Precursor to famous minister Jonathan Edwards, he takes a formal, legalistic approach to town events. • • TOWNSPEOPLE (Mixed SATB Chorus) • Varying ages/personalities - generally hardworking, pious Puritan colonists. They suffer greatly from agonizing work, hunger, extreme temperatures, and other hardships, but they are consistently told to believe that the founding of a great new colony is in their destiny. If they are to become a "city upon a hill," they must continue to work hard and must remain "knit together in the bonds of brotherly affection." Song Information “City Upon a Hill - Prologue” Introduces briefly the principal musical and textual themes that anchor the show. Establishes an immediate juxtaposition between the soothing, ethereal quality of the colony’s lofty goals and the stark relief of the more realist sounds of “Judgment Day” (Hester’s sentencing). “City Upon a Hill” A fuller exposition of the theme with a take-home beginning and ending. Excerpts from this piece have been considered a prime commercial radio spot. “Speak For Me” Solo for the songbooks Startling solo ballad to demonstrate the full range of both Hester’s emotion and also her technicality. The thoughtful reverie of the beginning of the song contrasts sharply with the powerful and trenchant ending. Possibly the song that every 15-year old wants to go home and sing for her auditions. “Revelations” Character montage Searing climax to Act I, the last time that Dimmesdale, Roger, and Hibbins can truly escape to their individual spaces. Dimmesdale’s agonizing first confession -- a confession that this time he