Shows S

BEAUTIFUL (Man, Woman #1, #2) Realising that he now has two women in love with him, the man tries to get away with exploring both relationships. He begins by singing a duet with the first woman, in which they reveal their perfect love for one another. He gradually makes his way to woman #2 and sings the same duet with her. It is not until the very end of the song that both women meet, face to face, and the gig is up. WE CAN TALK TO EACH OTHER (Man) Focusing all of his attention on Woman #1, in hopes of winning her back, he tells her that the thing he loves most about their relationship is that they can talk to one another. The joke, however, is that as he goes on and on about how they talk to each other, she cannot get a word in edgewise. JUST ACROSS THE RIVER (Cast) The three characters have realized that they are not made for each other and now look across the river and into the future for the person that they will spend the rest of their lives with. …Ending love… CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Woman #2) A woman holding a NY Times’s reveals that ever since her Hecky left her, she has been unable to focus on the crossword puzzle. As she tries to answer some clues, she is continually distracted by thoughts of him. Slowly, it is understood that the reason Hecky left her was because, being the intelligent woman that she is, when they did the crossword together, she always got all of the answers before him. This lead to much frustration and arguing and eventually Hecky couldn’t handle it anymore. As she stumbles through each clue, she becomes more upset and less in control of her emotions. AUTUMN (Woman #1) In this painful song, Woman #1 sings that although the hills are green, she feels a frost in the air and an emptiness in her heart as if it were autumn. As she explores her feelings and opens her memory, she reveals that the man she loved left her in autumn and it has been autumn ever since. I DON’T REMEMBER CHRISTMAS (Man) In an equally emotional song, a man tries to convince himself that he is free from all of his memories of an ex-lover. As he looks around his home, however, every object reminds him of all the painful things he doesn’t remember (rainy days, Easter, Thanksgiving, good times, her touch, Christmas). It is clear that no matter how much he convinces himself, she will always live in his memory. I DON’T BELIEVE IT (Cast) In this song, the characters rotate as commentators and couples. Each couple is trying a little too hard to make the audience believe that they are really happy. The commentators point out the signs or distress signals that give each couple’s discontentment away, deciding in the end that they just don’t believe it! I HEAR BELLS (Man + women back-up) In this song, a man shares with the audience the beautiful world of bells and music that exists only in his head. He reaches out to the audience for them to join him, but realizes that he is alone in his world. He knows that people will think him mad, but it seems that there is no other world he would rather live in.