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Minor characters (All can be doubled by the actors playing the major characters.) • Carl Grubenierre: One of SchwartzandGrubenierre’s fathers; he has set his heart on his little girl winning the Bee, no matter what he has to do, including sabotaging William’s foot. Usually played by the actor who plays Leaf. • Dan Schwartz: SchwartzandGrubenierre’s other father; he is more laid back and doting than Carl but is still intent on his daughter winning the Bee. Usually played by the actor who plays Mitch. • Leaf ’s Dad: Doubtful and finds his son annoying and unintelligent. Usually played by the actor who plays Barfée. • Leaf ’s Mom: Overprotective and doubtful of her son’s abilities to stand up to the competition. Usually played by the actor who plays Logainne. • Leaf ’s Siblings: Not very confident of Leaf ’s abilities. Usually played by the remaining spellers (both cast and the volunteer audience spellers). • Olive’s Mom and Dad: She is in India, he is working late, but they appear in Olive’s imagination to encourage her and tell her they love her. Usually played by the actors who play Miss Peretti and Mitch. • Jesus Christ: Appears to Marcy in a moment of crisis. Usually played by the actor who plays Chip. DISCOGRAPHY Spelling Bee - Original Broadway Cast Recording