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small spinning wheel. She tells the Princess she is a good fairy and sister to the ones she knows. She wishes to teach her to spin, and though the Princess is hesitant at first, she gets drawn in. As the Princess gets into it, Trollarina forces her hand down on the spindle. Immediately the Princess begins to feel sleepy and lies down on the stone bench. After 16 years, the spell will begin. The Faun dances back in and sees her asleep. He begins to ring her warning bell to alert the King and Queen that something is wrong. The King and Queen are assured by the good fairies that she will only sleep for 100 years. They cannot imagine her waking to find them gone. They ask that the fairies put them to sleep for 100 years as well so they will all wake together. The fairies grant their wish and surround them by a magic forest that will protect them. Only a brave and noble prince will be able to penetrate the forest. The faun dances in and tries to enter the forest but realizes he cannot and gives up. ACT TWO The fairies have kept watch over the forest. Every day, the same blue faun dances to the forest and bows his head. It is as if he knows what lies within.The fairies realize they have never heard of a faun living 100 years. Perhaps he is a bewitched mortal. They approach him on his next visit, and realize that the faun cannot speak but he can communicate using his hands. He tells them he knows about the princess and her slumber and that he was friends with her for the first 16 years of her life. They decide to play a game of charades with him to find out more. Through the game they find out that he does not know who he is or where he comes from. He only knows that he is under a spell and that Trollarina cast it on him. He does not know what kind of spell either. The fairies tell him he must spy on Trollarina and see if he might find out what the spell is so they can help him. Trollarina, meanwhile, is wandering around putting up detour signs to waylay any potential princes. It is the last day of the spell and if no prince finds her, then they will sleep for eternity. Trollarina is in a particularly evil mood. When she sees the faun she decides to tell him who he is. She will not tell him what sort of spell he is under but she does warn that if it was ever broken, she would lose all her powers. The sisters have gathered; it is nearing midnight. They part the trees to take one last look at the princess. The faun joins them and signs that he wishes to kiss her goodbye. The sisters, not knowing anything, allow him access to the sleeping princess. He kisses her and she suddenly awakens. He begins to tremble and shake and runs off. As soon as they all wake, a prince enters. He is the faun, and he and the princess played together every day. He asks her to marry him. Without knowing it, he broke the spell through love. Trollarina is heard approaching and they all decide to hide to see her reaction. She frantically looks everywhere and is not able to find the sleeping princess. She cannot imagine what has happened when her sisters surprise her. She realizes what has happened and that she has no powers. For added bonus, the sisters decide to put her to sleep for 100 years. Melisande is compassionate and pleads with them to not punish her more; she has already lost all her powers. They wake her up and tell her that she now must learn to be a good fairy. MUSICAL NUMBERS: Yoo-Hoo - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva We Three Fairies - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva It's Lovely To Be A Fairy - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva Hail To The King And Queen - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva, Royal Herald, Chorus Fairy Blessings - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva Queen's Lullaby - Queen, King, Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva, Royal Herald, Chorus I'm So Mad - Queen, King, Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva, Chorus Minerva's Blessing - Minerva Sybil's Blessing - Sybil Time Is Passing By - Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva Bell Song - Queen, King, Melisande,Phoebe, Sybil, Minerva, Royal Herald, Chorus Dance On, Little Faun - Melisande Spinning Song - Melisande, Trollerina It's Lovely To Be A Troll - Trollerina