Shows M

She and Beau are married and depart for an around-theworld honeymoon. Patrick is now in college and is pursuing love interests of his own. Several years into the honeymoon Beau slips from the Matterhorn and is killed. Mame returns to her old friends and is persuaded to write her memoirs. During her absence Patrick has joined Junior Babcock's circle of friends and is engaged to Gloria Upson. Mame is invited to the country to meet the family, plus their kitsch taste and public prejudices. The Upsons have everything planned, including a buy-up of the unrestricted land next to theirs on which the kids will build a house and thereby keep away the riff-raff. Mame is stunned and asks Patrick how he can put up with such bigotry. Unkind words are aired, and both are hurt. However, Mame has designed an engagement party of her own. The Upsons and Babcock arrive and the event is typical Mame. Her friends drop in, leaving the guests aghast. Pregnant Agnes shows up and admits she's not married. Mame uses the shocked silence to announce that she has purchased the country homesite to establish the Burnside Memorial Home for Single Mothers. The guests storm out. Their poor behaviour is enough for Patrick to realize his mistakes. He and Mame are reunited. Decorator Pegeen Ryan, who has been putting the final touches on Mame's apartment during the progress of the party, has caught Patrick's eye. As Mame had suspected, they make a perfect couple and at curtain she's off to India with Stephen, their 10-year old son, to help him open the windows of the world! CAST: - Male - 10: Female - 11: Plus Chorus & Dancers: Total cast - 40 - 60. • Mame - accomplished actress, good strong voice, dances well • Patrick - aged 10, large part, sings • Ito - Chinese servant boy, sings one number • Babcock -good character man • Vera Charles - character actress, sings and dances • Agnes - comedienne, sings • Adult Patrick - handsome, legit voice • Beau - accomplished actor who sings well Devine, Woolsey, Sally Cato, Babcock Jr, Mr & Mrs Upson, Gloria and Peegan Ryan - all straight roles. Strong choral work. Large separate singing and dancing ensembles. MUSICAL NUMBERS: Act I 1. Overture − Orchestra 2. St. Bridget − Young Patrick and Agnes 3. It’s Today − Mame, Vera, and Company 4. Open a New Window − Mame, Young Patrick, and Company 5. The Moon Song (The Man in the Moon) − Vera, Mame, and Company 6. My Best Girl − Young Patrick and Mame 7. We Need a Little Christmas − Mame, Young Patrick, Agnes, Ito, and Beauregard 8. The Fox Hunt − Uncle Jeff, Young Patrick, Cousin Fan, and Mother Burnside 9. Mame − Beauregard and Company 10. Finale Act I (My Best Girl and Mame) − Young Patrick and Company