Shows K

KING OF CADONIA A Musical Play in two acts: Book by Frederick Lonsdale: Lyrics by Adrian Ross and Jerome Kern: Music by Sidney Jones Prince of Wales' Theatre, London - 3 September, 1908 (333 perfs) Daly's Theatre, Broadway (additional songs by M.E. Rourke and Jerome Kern - 10 January, 1910 (16 perfs) SYNOPSIS The action of the play is laid in one of those mythical territories where poetic licence reigns supreme and the vagaries of officials are recognised as part and parcel of the customs of the land. Cadonia appears to be an extremely unsettled country and to have a marked liking for a frequent change in the monarchy. Kings come and kings go, and each may have truly said hat "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." The latest sovereign, Alexis, quickly tires of the limitations that are placed on his freedom and is by no means pleased that the day of his coronation will, in all probability, be the day of his earthly annihilations. He is aware that there is a conspiracy afoot to assassinate him, and accordingly, he shaves off his moustache and beard and makes good his escape. The disguise is so good that he avoids all recognition. It is then he meets the Princess Marie, the daughter of the Duke of Alasia, heir presumptive to the Cadonia throne. Following all true romantic precedents the princess falls in love with the handsome stranger and she is well pleased when she learns that the king has mysteriously disappeared. But her feelings of relief are not shared by her father, the duke, who dreads above all things being called upon to rule over such an unstable population as that of Cadonia. The disguised king associates himself with the conspirators, the chief of whom is posing as head gardener to the duke. Thus he learns their plans, and also succeeds in winning their favourable opinion, so much so that when the inevitable dénouement arrives they cannot but acknowledge that, at last, Cadonia has been fortunate enough to secure a monarch who may be trusted to rule his people discreetly and bravely. The princess is equally pleased to find that love and duty will now go hand-in-hand and the timid duke is no less delighted at the prospect of escaping forever the dangerous prerogatives of kingship. CAST: • The Duke of Alasia - Heir presumptive to the throne • Princess Marie - his daughter • Alexis - King of Cadonia • General Bonski • Captain Laski • Lieutenant Jules • Lieutenant Saloff • Panix - Secretary to the Duke of Alasia • Laborde - Head gardener to the Duke of Alasia • Bran - Servant to Captain Laski • Militza - Maid to Princess Marie • Stephanie - First Lady in Waiting to Princess Marie • Duchess of Alasia LADIES IN WAITING • Natine • Wanda • Ottaline • Fridoline Chorus of soldiers, gardeners, peasants, ladies of the Court, etc.