Shows J

DIE JUXHAIRAT (The Mock Marriage) (1904) (Music by Franz Lehár: Book and lyrics by Julius Bauer) Theater an der Wien - 22 December, 1904 (39 perfs) SYNOPSIS A millionaire's daughter, widowed after a failed marriage, has become a man-hater. Her latest suitor devises the ingenious plan of getting his sister engaged as maid in her household, to spread the news that his sister is an eccentric who dresses like a man. When he himself appears, she believes him to be his sister and agrees to marry him, hoping to expose him then as a woman. When he discovers she has been duped, she runs away. They meet again after three months when, even though she throws the marriage contract in his face, it is clear to all that she has fallen in love with him. STORY First Act - Park Brock Willers Villa in Newport Selma, the daughter of billionaire Brock Willer recently became a widow. Disappointed in her marriage, she wants to marry and never subsequently founded with her friends Edith, Phoebe and Euphrasia covenant "Go out of Man" (LVM). Phoebe and Euphrasia advised but then in dispute, as each of them in Brock Willers chauffeur Philly Kaps recognize the man, who had given them both a promise of marriage. When Philly secretly pronounce Phoebe and reconciles with her again, Euphrasia gets enraged and leaves Philly arrest by the police. The billionaire Willer Brock wants to marry his daughter Selma essential to his business partner, the German-American Harold of Reckenburg. Selma but strictly refuses and insists on its self-imposed celibacy. Harold's sister Juliane finds out Selma's refusal to marry her and will therefore play a prank. Juliane was in fact once engaged to a young man who had solved this engagement and Selma married when he heard of their dowry. Disguise and under a false name speaks Juliane ago at Selma and can be recorded in the covenant LVM. During a meeting they mentioned by chance, what they had learned about Harold's sister allegedly Juliane. This had already been frequently seen in public in men's clothes and she would already be gone in the name of her brother for a wife. The amusement is great, especially as Selma decides to receive the pseudo-Harold in her boudoir, because she really thinks a woman. Father Brock Willer is delighted when he hears that his daughter now but wants to meet her prospective groom. Second Act - Ballroom at Villa Brock Willer Euphrasia regretted their betrayal of Philly capes and kidnapped him spontaneously from prison. When they arrive at the villa Brock Willer, hits Philly on Harold and the two start talking. Philly's cocky Harold different advice on how to conquer a woman's heart. To illustrate the whole, asks Harold to Philly to a little roleplaying game, in which he will play a woman. Can accidentally overhear the Selma and is now totally convinced Harold suspect in a woman. Therefore, it is