Shows J

Scene 7 Hyde, now in the streets of London, giddily enjoys the feel of being alive and possessing unconquerable power and evil. He sees Lucy, and begins to follow her through the dark alleys as she makes her rounds looking for clients. He catches up to her and caresses her at first gently so that she thinks he is a potential client. His touch becomes more and more violent until she finally manages to escape and run away. Scene 8 Several weeks later, Emma and Utterson are escorted out of Jekyll's house by his manservant, Poole. Emma is worried even though Poole tells her that Jekyll constantly asks about her. She knows he is consumed by his work but fears he is becoming rundown. Utterson promises to speak to Poole. After Emma departs, Poole admits that Jekyll is behaving erratically. He hasn't seen Jekyll for a week but merely lays his meals at the Laboratory door. He also tells Utterson that he has heard another man's voice as well as someone's heart-wrenching cries at night in the Lab. Just then Jekyll appears, disheveled, weary, but impassioned, and instructs Poole to go to the apothecary to get some chemicals he needs. Utterson cannot believe the changes in his friend. He implores Henry to step back from his quest. Meanwhile Emma and her father, Danvers argue about the prudence of Emma's marriage to a man who seems to be falling into an ever-deepening abyss. Emma again tells her father that she understands that Jekyll's work is important. Utterson exits as Poole enters Jekyll's office and announces that a young woman has arrived with Jekyll's card. Jekyll realises that it is Lucy and tells Poole to send her in. She reminds him of his offer to help her. She shows him bruises on her back and shoulders; as Jekyll dresses her wounds, she mentions that Edward Hyde has caused them. Lucy tells Jekyll that he is the first gentleman to treat her nicely and how greatful she is. When Jekyll has finished dressing Lucy's wounds, she thanks him with a kiss. Lucy leaves Jekyll's house and dreams of how easy it would be to love someone like Jekyll if only he could love someone like her. Scene 9 Nellie leads the Bishop of Basingstoke out of her shabby house near The Red Rat. The Bishop pays Nellie for her ample services. After Nellie retires into the house, the Bishop is met by Hyde, who appears before him holding a walking stick with a heavy pewter knob. Hyde taunts the Bishop, finally calling him a hypocrite and smashing the Bishop's head with the knob of the walking stick. Hyde gleefully continues beating the Bishop. Hyde revels in the killing and again relishes his new found freedom and power. Act II Scene 1 The townspeople of London gossip about the hideous murder of the poor old bishop. As Glossop and Savage emerge from the Bishop's funeral, Hyde approaches them. He breaks General Glossop's neck while Savage manages to escape. The next day while London now has another brutal murder to discuss, Jekyll meets Bisset for more chemicals. He is surly and tired and very secretive with the kind chemist. Later, Lady Beaconsfield, Proops and Savage are outside the very posh "Mayfair Club". Hyde taunts them from the shadows. Lord Savage, not knowing who he is, threatens the intruder. Hyde emerges from the darkness and stabs Proops. Mortally wounded, he falls to the ground in front of a horrified Lady Beaconsfield and Savage. Hyde then grabs Lady Beaconsfield and berates her vanity. He tears off the exquisite jewels from around her neck, hands them to a beggar, and then strangles her. Lord Savage, once again taking advantage of a close friend's demise, manages to escape. Next Sir Danvers meets an agitated Lord Savage at the train station. Savage has realised that he is next on the evil Hyde's list of enemies. He has decided to leave post haste for Scotland. As soon as Danvers bids Savage adieu, Hyde appears from behind a billow of steam and snaps the ill-fated Savage's neck. The gruesome murders are the talk of London papers and society.