Shows "I"

Ulrica warns Rebecca that she faces an evil and dark fate, and that death is the only path to safety. The despondent Rebecca prays for God's protection. Sir Brian enters, intent on winning Rebecca. He asks her to submit to him, promising to raise her to the throne of kings and to cover her with jewels. She utterly rejects him and leaps on the parapet, threatening to jump. A bugle sounds, heralding the arrival of King Richard and his forces. Sir Brian rushes off to defend the castle. Act III Ivanhoe, pale and weak from his wounds, thinks of his love for Rowena, and falls asleep. Rebecca, who is in love with Ivanhoe, enters to tend him. When they hear distant trumpets, Rebecca goes to a window and describes the unfolding battle to the frustrated Ivanhoe, who complains that he is unable to participate. Ulrica sets the castle on fire. Sir Brian enters and carries off Rebecca. Ivanhoe is unable to protect her. At the last minute, King Richard enters the chamber and rescues Ivanhoe from the conflagration. King Richard and Ivanhoe rest in a forest. De Bracy has been captured. The King sends him to Prince John with an ultimatum to surrender. Cedric and Rowena appear. At the King's urging, Cedric is reconciled with Ivanhoe and agrees to Ivanhoe's marriage with Rowena. Isaac enters in haste. The Templars have accused Rebecca of witchcraft for supposedly bewitching the Christian Knight to betray his Order and his vows, and making him fall in love with an accursed Jewess. They have sentenced her to burn at the stake. Ivanhoe rushes out to rescue her. The funeral pyre has been built. Rebecca will be burned at the stake unless a champion is willing to fight for her. Sir Brian urges them to relent, but the Templars take his irrational passion as further evidence of her witchcraft. Sir Brian offers to save her if she will agree to be his, but Rebecca refuses. Rebecca is bound to the stake. The exhausted Ivanhoe arrives with his sword drawn, offering to fight for her. Rebecca tries to dissuade him, fearing that the wounded knight cannot prevail. Sir Brian attacks Ivanhoe, who appears to be beaten. But as Sir Brian is about to strike the fatal blow, he falls dead, unable to survive the evil passions warring in his soul. The Templars regard this as proof of God's judgement and Rebecca's innocence, and she is freed. She gazes wistfully at Ivanhoe as he is reunited with Rowena, who has entered with Cedric and King Richard. The King banishes the Templars from English soil. MUSICAL NUMBERS Act I 1. Introduction — 2. Cedric: 'Each day this realm of England faints and fails' —with Men 3. Ulrica: 'Good Thane, most noble Thane, I pray...' — with Men, Cedric, Squire 4. Cedric: 'Welcome, Sir Knights!' — with de Bracy, Brian, Isaac, Women, Men, Rowena 5. Cedric: 'Drink, drink ye all...' — with Men, de Bracy, Brian, Rowena, Ivanhoe 6. Men: 'The Palmer! The holy Palmer!'-. with Ivanhoe, Cedric, Brian, Rowena, de Bracy 7. De Bracy: 'Is she not fair? And she is rich withal' - with Brian, Men 8. Rowena: 'O moon, art thou clad in silver mail...' 9. Rowena: 'Good Palmer, thou didst speak of one I knew..? — with Ivanhoe 10. Ivanhoe: 'Like mountain lark my spirit upward springs' - with Isaac 11. Sopranos: Will there be no more fighting?' — with Chorus, Friar, King 12. Chorus: 'Plantagenesta!' 13. Prince John: 'Isaac, my Jew, my purse of Gold' — with Cedric, de Bracy, Rebecca 14. Prince John: "Tis from our Royal brother, Louis of France' — with Heralds, Crowd 15. Sopranos: 'What means his motto?' — with Crowd, Friar, Locksley, Prince John, Rowena, Cedric Act II 16. King: 'Strange lodging this for England's King' — with Friar