Shows "I"

IN THE BEGINNING A Musical in 2 Acts (originally called 1-2-3-4-5). Book by: David Hahn; Lyrics by: Maury Yeston; Music by: Maury Yeston; Based Upon a Story by God Manhattan Theatre Club - 1987 SYNOPSIS Let there be laughter! The first five books of the Old Testament get a goodnatured ribbing in this hysterical tribute to all of those ordinary, everyday people who didn’t make it into the Bible. Unremarkable though they may be, these hardy Biblical bystanders somehow survive calamity after calamity in outrageous fashion, inventing some useful and practical devices along the way (including the Life Saver – the candy, that is), escaping enslavement in ancient Egypt and helping a young man named Cain find his redemption. STORY ACT I Zymah enters, against a blue scrim, dressed as a magician. He relates the story of the beginning of the world and tells the audience that there was much more than we know in the beginning. A scrim flies up, revealing a garden and a group of people. They reveal to the audience that before the fall, life was good and Adam and Eve were not alone in the garden. Eve gives Adam the apple and everyone strikes a pose as the voice of God tells them all to “get out!” In scene 3, the group is huddled outside a garden gate with a sign on it that reads “keep out.” As they begin to stand up and figure out what just happened, one of the women emits a piercing scream. They are all suddenly aware of their nakedness and their differences. They scramble to sort themselves out into two groups and grasp for things to cover up. The men realise that they are attracted to the women and the women begin to beautify themselves. The conversations that take place within the men and women’s groups hint at the birth of the battle of the sexes. As they begin to wonder how and where they will find food, Zymah appears, dressed as a caveman. He introduces the group to hunting and gathering. The men decide that they should go, while the women stay to “cook, clean and manage the campsit; have children and take care of them and, of course, always stay beautiful.” The women all exit leaving Arielle alone. She longs for the way that things were and wonders if there is anyone out there; any greater force, that knows who she is and will protect and guide her. Scene 4 is a crossover scene between Romer and Ben. They are hunting in the woods and arguing over what the new things they have invented (spears, balls) should be named. We discover that Ben is in love with Mavis and Romer with Arielle. The men throw their spear offstage, killing an animal. Back at the campsite, Arielle is carrying water when a strange man enters. She attacks him, but discovers that he means no harm. His name is Avi. He asks for water and offers to go to the river and bring more back. When Arielle says that carrying water is a women’s job, he replies that work is work and he doesn’t differentiate. This mentality intrigues Arielle and she begins to treat Avi with kindness. He thanks her and tells her that he was once a dreamer like she is. He then leaves as quickly as he came. The other women enter and wonder when the men are coming home. Just then, Arielle spots Romer and Ben in the distance. They enter the camp and greet the women. Romer hits on Arielle, but when he is rejected, kisses Lydia on the mouth and tells her that that is just one of the things he learned in the real world. He then goes on to tell them all what it is like. He tells them all to pack up their things and head off to a place where there are many people; where there is plenty of food and lots of work and money.