Shows E

promptly accuses Jasper of being the murderer. Jasper soon admits that he strangled his nephew while in a laudanum haze. Durdles the gravedigger, however, disagrees; he witnessed the crime and knows who truly killed Edwin Drood. Depending on the audience's vote, the finger is pointed at Bazzard, Crisparkle, Helena, Neville, Puffer, Rosa, or Durdles himself. The murderer confesses, then sings a reprise of one of several numbers to admit his or her culpability. (If, albeit not likely, the audience chooses Jasper as the murderer, Durdles does not interrupt and a second confession is not performed.) Still, a happy ending is needed, and the Chairman asks the audience to choose two lovers from among the remaining cast members. The two chosen members declare their love, and then reprise Perfect Strangers. Just then, there comes a noise from the crypt, and a very-much-alive Edwin Drood appears, ready to tell all what really happened on the night of his disappearance. The mystery is solved, and the members of the company take their bows. CAST: 6 female, 9 male Original Cast (in order of appearance): •Mayor Thomas Sapsea/Mr. William Cartwright, Your Chairman: GEORGE ROSE. •Stage Manager and Barkeep/Mr. James Throttle: Peter McRobbie. •John Jasper/Mr. Clive Paget: HOWARD MCGILLIN. •The Reverend Crisparkle/Mr. Cedric Moncriede: GEORGE N. MARTIN. •Edwin Drood/Miss Alice Nutting: BETTY BUCKLEY. •Rosa Bud/Miss Deidre Peregrine: PATTI COHENOUR. •Alice/Miss Isabel Yearsley: Judy Kuhn. •Beatrice/Miss Florence Gill: Donna Murphy. •Helena Landless/Miss Janet Conover: JANA SCHNEIDER. •Neville Landless/Mr. Victor Grinstead: JOHN HERRERA. •Durdles/Mr. Nick Cricker: JEROME DEMPSEY. •Deputy/Master Nick Cricker: STEPHEN GLAVIN. •The Princess Puffer/Miss Angela Prysock: CLEO LAINE. •Shade of Jasper/Mr. Harry Sayle: Nicholas Gunn. •Shade of Drood/Mr. Montague Pruitt: Brad Miskell. •Clients of Princess Puffer (2): Mr. Alan Eliot: Herndon Lackey. •Mr. Christopher Lyon: Rob Marshall. •Succubae (4): Miss Gwendolyn Pynn: Francine Landes. •Miss Sarah Cook: Karen Giombetti. •Miss Florence Gill: Donna Murphy. •Miss Isabel Yearsley: Judy Kuhn. •Satyr/Master Nick Cricker: STEPHEN GLAVIN. •Servants (3): Mr. Philip Box: JOE GRIFASI. •Miss Violet Balfour: Susan Goodman. •Miss Gwendolen Pynn: Francine Landes. •Harold/Mr. lames Throttle: Peter McRobbie. •Julian/Mr. Alan Eliot: Herndon Lackey. •Horace/Mr. Brian Pankhurst: Charles Goff. •Bazzard/Mr. Philip Bax: JOE GRIFASI. Citizens of Cloisterham: Karen Giombetti, Charles Goff, Susan Goodman, Nicholas Gunn, Judy Kuhn, Herndon Lackey, Francine Landes, Rob Marshall, Peter McRobbie, Brad Miskell, Donna Murphy, Joe Pichette. INSTRUMENTATION: Reed I (piccolo/flute/clarinet), Reed II (oboe/cor anglais/clarinet), Reed III (flute, piccolo, clarinet, bass