Shows D

PRINCIPALS 4 Women : 4 Men : 1 Boy NB: The characters should be identified by the names of the actors in each role. Characters Ben - the young and bewildered patient Dr. Mary - the strong-willed matron Dr. Bob - short and lively with rolling eyes Dr. Steve - the hippie type Dr. Denise - exotic, svelte and sinuous Dr. Amy - short, childlike but slightly macabre Dr. Jessica - the beautiful, country club type Dr. Selavy - austere, maniacal, tall and elegant Young Ben (non-singing) Scenes & settings A Musical performed without intermission. The action takes place in a hospital. Instrumentation: drums, piano (db. electric organ, glockenspiel), electric guitar with. banjo, acoustic guitar), opt. classical guitar (db. electric guitar), cello, electric bass Doctor Selavy’s Magic Theatre First Complete Recording