Shows "C"

MUSICAL NUMBERS: Act 1 1. "We Are Marching Through the Night" – Soldiers 2. "We Too, Are Lonely" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha 3. "We Are Searching for the Foe" – Soldiers 4. "What Can We Do Without a Man?" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha 5. "Say Good Night" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha 6. "Melodrama" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha 7. "My Hero" – Nadina 8. "Chocolate Soldier" – Bumerli, Nadina 9. "Sympathy" – Bumerli, Nadina 10. "Seek the Spy" – Massakroff, Nadina, Aurelia, Macha, Bumerli, Soldiers 11. Finaletto Act 1 – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha Act 2 12. "The Fatherland is Free" – Company 13. "Alexius the Hero" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha, Poppoff, Alexius, Bumerli, Ensemble 14. "Never Was There Such a Lover" – Alexius, Nadina 15. "The Tale of the Coat" – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha, Poppoff, Alexius, Bumerli 16. "That Would Be Lovely" – Bumerli, Nadina 17. Finaletto Act 2 – Nadina, Aurelia, Mascha, Poppoff, Alexius, Bumerli, Ensemble Act 3 18. Opening Chorus – Ensemble 19. "Falling in Love" – Alexius, Mascha 20. "The Letter Song" – Nadina 21. "Melodrama" – Bumerli 22. "The Letter Song" (reprise) – Bumerli, Nadina 23. Finale – Company MUSICAL NUMBERS (GERMAN) Act 1 1. "Wir marschieren durch die Nacht" ("We march through the night" 2. "Mein Held!" ("My Hero!") 3. "Wie schön ist dieses Männerbild" ("How handsome is this man") 4. "Komm', Komm! Held meiner Träume" ("Come, come! Hero of my dreams") 5. "In meinen Leben sah ich nie einen Helden" ("In my life I never saw a hero") 6. "Ach, du kleiner Praliné-Soldat" ("Oh, you little praline-soldier") 7. "Es ist ein Schicksal, schwer zu tragen; Weil's Leben süss und herrlich ist" ("It is a destiny that is hard to bear; because life is sweet and splendid") 8. "Suchet alle Mann, der Serbe nicht entwischen Kann!" ("Every man, search, the Serb cannot escape") 9. "Drei Frauen sassen am Feuerherd; Tiralala! (finale)" ("Three women sat at the fireplace; Tiralala! (finale)")