London Revues

“ESSENTIAL TO THE ACTION" (Dion Titheradge) The Dramatist - Arthur Chesney The Actor - Jack Raine "LOOKING FOR TROUBLE" (Lyric by Peter Santon, Music by Gitz Rich) Vera Bryer and Chorus "HUSBANDS ARE SO JEALOUS" (Harris Deane) The Lady - Binnie Hale The Intruder - John Deverell "KEEP A LITTLE ODD SPOT!" (Lyric by Peter Santon, Music by Gitz Rich) Paul England & Entire Company INTERVAL ` ACT II "RAT-TAT-TAT!" (Noel Scott) America - Peggy Heather Australia - VERA BRYER Mere Kulynos - Arthur Chesney Inspector Caviare - Jack Raine Yadil - Paul England Hairyman Strutz - John Deverell Chill de Camisole - Madge Stuart Lanoline - Josephine Dent Paul - Walter Herald The Rat - Binnie Hale "GERALDINE" John Deverell “DANCING LOVE" (Lyric by Peter Santon, Music by Muriel Lillie) Paul England & Madge Stuart “NOBODY KNEW” (by Dion Titheradge, Music by Kennedy Russell) Binnie Hale “BEDTIME!" (Lyric by Peter Santon, Music by Martin Broones)) Paul England and Chorus “HIGHWAYMEN" (Noel Scott) The Man - John Deverell His Butler - Walter Herald Claude Duval - Jack Raine Larry - Albert Wallace. Galloper - Frank Lawton The Father - Arthur Chesney The Maid - Josephine Dent The Daughter - Binnie Hale