London Revues

STRIKE A NEW NOTE George and Alfred Black presentastion (For George Black, Ltd,) Dances and Ensembles by Joan Davis Prince of Waales Theatre 18 March 1943 PROGRAMME OVERTURE “ Hippodromia “ Scene “1 MEET THE PEOPLE“ - With the Rising Generation (“What’s New?” by Michael Carr and Tommie Connor) Scene 2—RICHARD MURDOCH assisted by SAM COSTA Just released from Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh Scene 3—FOOLISH BUT FUNNY Freddie Frinton Scene 4 — “TWO LITTLE BABES IN THE WOOD” The Story Teller - Rene Powell The Old Man - Sidney Blackwell The Babes - The Lovelies The Boys - Johnny Moroney and Tommy Glen Scene 5—”THE CONVICT’S RETURN” (by Frank Eyton) The Nuisance – Leslie Noyes The Convict – Richard Murdoch The Heroine - Maureen Riscoe Scene 6—”IT’S THE TUNE THAT COUNTS” Rene Powell and The John Tiller Girls Scene 7 — “FRENCHWITHOUT A BLUSH” The Parisien – Tommy Glen The Vendeuses - Maureen Riscoe and Odette Field A Soldier on Leave - Leslie Noyes A G,I, - Sam Costa Scene 8—CLEEF & MORONEY - The Dominion Acromedians Scene 9—APPOINTMENT WITH GLAMOUR (Music and Lyrics by Val Guest) The Boy - Tommy Glen Dinah - Rene Powell Delores - Odette Field Mary - Dot Delvaine Tangerine - Maureen Riscoe Scene 10—A CLASSICAL INTERLUDE Scene 11—THE “JUNIOR SCREEN” A Film-struck Young Lady - Rene Powell A Garland-Durbin-Rooney Hit Parade (a) “HOE DOWN” - Dot Delvaine The boys and John Tiller Girls The Lovelies