London Revues

SHELL OUT A Revue devised by Albert de Courville and Wal Pink. Music by Herman Darewski; Lyrics by Albert de Courville and Wal Pink. Additional Songs by Earl Carroll and E.R. Ball Comedy Theatre, London - 24 August, 1915 (315 perfs) The CAST included: Amy Augarde, Hope Charteris, Fred Emney, Garry Lynch, George Manton, Unity More, Tom A. Shale, Tom Stuart, Louie Tinsley The PROGRAMME included: Girls, Girls, Girls I Want Loving All the Time Little Miss Lancashire If the Girlies Could Be Soldiers Twelve Little Girls Per Year Canoeing Restaurent Scene Sprinkle Me With Kisses Parlour Scene Stage Door Scene Pom-tiddley-om-pom The British Artillery It's Flag Day