London Revues

PICCADILLY HAYRIDE Musical Revue conceived by Alec Shanks. Music and Lyrics by Dick Hurran and Phil Park Prince of Wales Theatre, London - 11th October, 1946 (778 perfs) PROGRAMME 1. LET’S HAVE A PICCADILLY HAYRIDE (Dick Hurron) (Dances by Jack Billings) The Country Girl - Triss Henderson The Yokels - The Regent Choristers And the Hay Makers 2. THE THREE JOKERS - “Fallin’ for You” 3. JOHNNY LOCKWOOD - Born to be Happy 4. BON VOYAGE Anchors Away! Alan Lund - The Girl on Quay - Blanche Lund The Friends - Frederic Wood, George Gerhardt and Gwen Wright The Fisher Girls – Hermione Burton, Valerie Swinnard, Pauline Innes, Letitia Mountford, Daphne Stockholm, Daphne Webster Sirens in Coral – Daphne Kiernander, Joy Blythe, Pat Britten, Alex Carson, Cora Varnel, Joan Chorlton, Pamela Barnard A Night Ashore (Choreography by Pauline Grant, The Lunds and Jack Billings) The Cabaret Singer – Triss Henderson The Sailor - Alan Lund The Dancer – Blanche Lund 5. “DUDULE” - Introduced by the French Cabaret Star Robert Lamouret 6. “DEAREST “(Dick Hurran) (Dances by Jack Billings) The Singer – Freddie Costello Diamon – Thelma Bentley Emerald – Rosemary Hutchinson Amethyst – Yvonne Whitnell Ruby – Pauline Tyle Emerald – June Wootten Sapphire – Marylin Nesbitt Turquoise – Corinne Millls 7. SNOOKER The Marker - Jack Dagmar The Old Hand - Jerry Desmonde Novice – Alfie Dean 8. MR FOX GOES TO TOWN (a) Hunt Supper 1850 - Freddie Costello and The Regent Choristers The Intruders – The Ross Sisters (b) Over the Hurdles 1950 John Peel Swing (Dick Hurran) - Musical arrangements by Bobby Howell 9. MAKE WITH THE MUSIC (Dick Hurran) The Leader of the Class - Triss Henderson The Professor of the Drum – Victor Feldman 10. CHEERFUL CHARLIE CHESTER - Radio’s Chin-Up Boy