London Revues

INTERVAL 14. Nostalgia - The Company 15. Eating Out (by Arthur Macrea. Music by Richard Addinsell.) Compere - Jeremy Hawk Diana Decker, Timothy Spencer Chinese Herbert Ashton, Myles Eason the waitress - Dora Bryan Vegetarian Mrs Forsdyke - Irlin Hall The Waitress - Joan Heal Hints On Feeding The Old Lady - Dora Bryan 16. 49th Statement (lyrics by Peter Myers and Alec Grahame. Music by Ronald Cass.) Jeremy Hawke, Diana Decker, Myles Eason, Ian Carmichael 17. Irish Song (lyrics by Sidney Carter. Music by Donald Swann) The Singer - Graham Payn Irish People - Hilary Allen, Timothy Spencer, Pam Marmont, Brian Blades 18. Something for the Kiddies. (by Arthur Macrea) Compere George Benson (a) The Heroine Dora Bryan The Hero, Myles Eason A Visitor Jeremy Hawke. (b) The Reader - Hilary Allen, Myles Eason, Diana Decker, Ian Carmichael and Jeremy Hawk 19. Torch Song (lyrics by Arthur Macrea. Music by Richard Addinsell.) The Singer - Joan Heal 20. Everything Under Control (by Arthur Macrea Compere - Myles Eason. The Controller - George Benson 21. Waiting for My Friend (by Paul Dehn, music by Charles Zwar) The Girl - Dora Bryan The Head Waiter - Jeremy Hawke. 22. Kiss the Girls, Goodbye (lyrics and music by Kay Thompson, arranged by Kay Thompson) Apollo - Graham Payn Lindy - Honor Blair Mandy - Hilary Allen Lou – Irlin Hall Candy - Pam Marmont. 23. Two Way Play (by Arthur Macrea) Compere - Myles Eason, Mother - Dora Bryan Father - George Benson Daughter - Irlin Hall Son - Jeremy Hawk (b) Desiree ,- Pam Marmont Robert - Myles Eason 24. Cabaret Girl (lyrics by Paul Dehn, music by Charles Zwar). The Artiste - Joan Heal At the piano, Ian Carmichael 25. Home Again (lyrics by Gerard Bryant. Music by Charles Zwar) Hilary Allen and the company